Tuesday 30 January 2007

Medical problems

I can't not make an entry on a subject that cropped up this afternoon (British time). I am writing to make a general point, which is basically a copy of comments I made in Robin's journal [ceilisundancer] on the subject of hypoglycaemia, low blood sugars.

There is a website (hypoglycemia.org) which contains a questionnaire to help you determine whether your blood sugars might be low. Having taken a look at the questions, I think it's misleading to help people make a 'diagnosis' on the basis of symptoms that could point to dozens of different ailments and diseases.

Generally, if you feel you have a problem with your health, you should see a doctor.
Now, I appreciate that I am writing from the British context, where the National Health Service covers a large amount of the expenses involved in health care. In the USA, people have to pay for much of that, and the fees for a doctor's visit sound horrendous.

Nonetheless, I am staggered at the sweeping statements left on that website, and the unethical attitude of trying to cash in on people's health problems and perhaps being unable to pay doctors' bills.

Hypoglycaemia in healthy people is easily corrected - by eating.
Hypoglycaemia in diabetics can lead to serious symptoms, such as confusion and unconsciousness.

I am not going to write an essay on diabetes here. I'll just reiterate:

Any problems with your blood sugars: speak to your doctor. Not the quacks.
The doctor can conduct the appropriate tests, and if required prescribe medication.


  1. Well said Guido!  

  2. I agree....well said...and how true!
    Take care.

  3. Never a truer word said.  I agree with you Guido. Your own doctor is best!   Jeanie

  4. Good point Guido

  5. I think you've done a good service here.

  6. Thanks for the entry Guido.

