Monday, 29 January 2007


Just a note or two on the various webmail providers that are available. Only my opinion, feel free to disagree.

I am annoyed with Hotmail, although I started life with email with that crowd. I think everybody did. It attracts large amounts of junkmail, and I usually spend my time deleting all the junkmail and unsolicited email from it. I am also on its Beta-version (Windows Live), which takes forever to load, and sometimes chokes on itself. OK, it's Beta.
Oh, nearly forgot. Don't forget to use Hotmail at least once every 30 days, or you lose the account.

Yahoo does not have the junkmail problem, but it cannot be bothered to give you anything larger than a peephole to view your mails in. You also have to be sure that you wait for the message to be declared "read" before actually opening it.

AOL/AIM is working fine, although the advertising takes forever to load, and I have the added bonus of messages stalling whilst loading the zillion links from advertisers. Even if I have the pleasure of paying AOL every month for a dial-up connection I don't use. Free AOL UK? Don't think so, now that Carphone Warehouse have taken it over.

Lycos is a provider I rarely use, because it's superfluous to requirement. Also, I have already lost all the emails I did have in it, because I forgot about it for months. Annoying.

I'm not going to express a preference - for the moment, I use AOL most often, even if emails in there mostly consist of Alerts.


  1. i hate hotmail... lol

    be well,

  2. I've only used one other ISP and for the life of me I can't remember who it was! Jeannette xx  

  3. I have a hotmail account,only because those I wished to
    see if they were online to IM them were on  MSN..I forget to check mail on hotmail and have had to open the account numerous times.
    I can never construct an e-mail and send it from there as is the way with YAHOO.
    I have a Yahoo account only because some tag groups
    I belong to insist  you have a Yahoo account because their group is a Yahoo group.
    So mail there rarely gets checked.Most of the time I forget my passwords!!!
    Yeah,that's me-dumb Connie.
    I hate the MY AOL Beta ,they keep dropping all the feeds
    I have stored in there.And the recommended content and the
    People like me has to load (FOREVER) before I can even open a journal or even my own journal.SICK_SICK_SICK_OF_IT!!!!
    And all these darn advetisements having to open before we
    can actually open our mail- us that PAY for AOL  shouldn't have to put up with that.
    Let those that get it free put up with the ADS shit.I am sick and tired of it!!!
    I don't mind the banner above my blog-that doesn't seem to interfer with the loading,but

    I am sick of
    my mail not loading before the ads! Today there was about 11 different ads load on there before my mail would actually open up.
    my un-solicited opinion...

  4. Interesting comments Guido...
    very well put my friend

  5. I'm fairly satisfied with my AOL email service, and I have a Yahoo account because I belong to a Yahoo book group that works better when I get my emails from them through Yahoo.  I've never even heard of Lycos.
