Saturday 22 December 2007

Credit card info

In recent days, the Journals Chatroom has seen one journaler plugging their journal, which is what it's there for. When I checked out the blog in question, it contained a questionnaire which asked for all sorts of personal details, including credit card number, security number associated with credit cards etcetera. This is needed, according to the blogger in question, to join the journal and be allowed to write on that 'shared journal'.

I have consulted with Malika (one of the journals editors), and she says NEVER to give out credit card info. The blog in question will be dealt with after the weekend. You don't need a credit card to join a shared journal. That permission is granted on the basis of trust.


  1. I dont know which is more idiotic, someone asking for your credit card or someone giving it.  I've visited the chat a few times, always noting that ppl who dont keep Journals always seem to be checking in.  Whatever, I'm glad we have a place to drop by, and thanks for keeping a sharp eye.  xoxo CATHY  

  2. Thank you so much Guido, for giving us this much needed information.  I was wondering if she was legit.  When I asked her a question regarding this, she refused to answer.  Now I definitely don't think she is.  Thank you so much, as you have done us a great service.  God bless you, my friend.


  3. I never give our card details Guido.  I hope this journal gets deleted by aol although no doubt the person will start a new one.  Pity it could not have been arranged that the chat room was for genuine journallers only and not for others.  Even if we had to sign in.

  4. Another nasty opportunist lurking around to take advantage of gullible people. This makes me so cross!!!!
    I hpe nobody gets suckd into her scam.


  5. Good Greif! Thank you Guido. What is wrong with people?

  6. I am pretty sure that journal will be gone by Monday evening.... if not it should be.
    Thanks for the heads up.

  7. Thank you Guido. I hope nobody got sucked into this scam.

  8. How awful for someone to be preying on people in Journals Chat. After my recent experiences I am not giving my information to anyone!  Thanks for the heads up.
