Sunday 30 December 2007

A year in pictures - October 2007

October saw the first few gales of the winter season. I went down to Glasgow in the middle of the month, travelling through Skye and with a little sidestep to the Isle of Rum.


  1. What a pretty cat sitting there!  The path you photographed looks like it would be a wonderful place to take a walk.  I liked the City of Newton - very nice pictures once again.

  2. I well remember visiting Portree Guido.  We had the most succulent of Aberdeen Angus steaks ever at a restaurant overlooking the harbour.  I still have memories of that steak and have tried my best to re-produce it at home but to no avail.   Methinks I will have to go back to Portree again.  Easier that way....yes?   Lol!

