Monday 17 December 2007

Monday notes

Bright and sunny, if hazy day today. As is normal in winter, temperatures have therefore fallen to 6C. Tonight, temperatures in the Highlands may fall as low as -10C, but the Gulf Stream will keep us mostly frost free. I hope those affected by snowstorms across the eastern USA will be safe.

The woman who was sentenced to 200 lashes and a term in prison in Saudi Arabia has been pardoned. The sentence, on appeal by the victim increased from 90 lashes, had been imposed as it is a crime under Saudi law for a woman to be alone with a man who is not a close family relative. She had been taken to a secluded spot and raped by 7 men; her male companion had been put through the same ordeal. Muslims are currently celebrating Eid al-Adha, the end of the month of fasting known as Ramadan, and King Abdullah of Saudi-Arabia frequently uses that festival to pardon convicted criminals, particularly if doing so is in the public interest.

Two hundred people were found to be over the limit across Scotland this weekend. Several of this number were pulled up in the Western Isles. One person, in mainland Scotland, had crashed his car, did not have a license, did not have insurance, and had failed to stop after an accident. He'll get the book thrown at him.


  1. I was happy to hear the woman who was raped was pardoned but I am horrified she was sent to prison in the first place.  I can't even find the words to express my thoughts.  It sounds like quite a bit of partying going on in Scotland this weekend!

  2. Yes Guido we in the eastern US are covered in the winds have let up a little...I'm hoping soon the temps go up as well....June

  3. Those muslims came from another planet I think!

  4. I've heard of fathers killing their own daughters if they are sexually violated in some way. Like it's the girl's fault.  Very strange...Linda in WA

  5. Honestly, some Muslim laws are just beyond stupid.  It defies all reasoning..


  6. Awful... truly.

    be well,

  7. That is awful that story from Saudi arabia :(  I can't believe things like that still take place.  

