Thursday, 11 January 2007

Warning Sign

Found this on Connie's blog. Thought this would be useful. Click on the sign to go to the site.


  1. Yes,this is one of my pet peeves
    I sent you another of my pet peeves via e-mail

  2. I had a cell phone for about a year, don't have one anymore... Think I am getting old as they are so annoying to me that everyone has to have one attached to their ears at all times. lol...
    Wanted to say Have a great weekend!! I think I took a little holiday from reading journals as I have not read for a couple of weeks....
    Linda :)

  3. I think we all need headphones. I have seen too many almost accidents  when people are just too engrossed in talking instead of watching..~Raven

  4. Oh yes....thats how I got into a reck last Feb, 1st.! The Light was red at a 3 lane, and I was stopped of course. Like all of the cars ahead of me. I happened to look in my rear view mirror, and noticed this younger girl on her cell phone and not at all slowing down! The speed limit is 40 miles per hour there. She hit me full force and knock my car the length of 3 cars ahead of me, and just thankfull that the light turned green and the cars ahead of me had just moved on! I was hurt pretty badly over that! My car was fine, but she was in big trouble becouse you're not allowed to drive and talk on those, and she got cought alright!
