Monday 1 October 2007


A volcano that has lain dormant for more than a century has erupted in the Red Sea. Jebel al-Tair lies on a major faultline, separating Africa from the Indian Ocean and the Middle East. The island had been in use as a military base since 1996. A major search and rescue operation is on-going; the western part of the island has collapsed. Nine people are missing, and the Canadian warship Toronto is in the area to render assistance to the Yemeni authorities, to whom the volcano belongs.

It brings to mind an eruption off Iceland in 1963, where a volcano erupted out of the ocean floor, giving birth to Surtsey Island. Although eroded by waves and weather, the island is there today, where there was nothing before.


  1. Must look this one up on the map Guido I don't like the thought of nine people being missing either.  A volcano appearing and then erupting would be my worst nightmare.  What a death!
    I remember that eruption in Iceland well.
    Primitive forces!   Horrible thoughts come with those.


  2. Fascinating.  Praying for the safety of all involved.  -  Barbara

  3. The creation of islands where there were none is fascinating.  A dormant volcano erupting is also, in its own way, but not so when people are at sudden risk, etc.  I hadn't seen this in the news yet!  (I suppose if I watched television, but, eh, I'll just read you instead.  lol)

  4. I haven't looked at the Mt St Helen's web cam lately...I hope we don't have another one here in the Cascade range. If Mt Rainier goes, it will really be devasting.  There are thousands of people who live in the path of any and all lahars that will flow from Mt Rainier.  The last eruption was in 1854, so it's a matter of not "if" it erupts but "when."   It's good the Canadian ship is close by to help the victims.  Linda in Washington state
