Thursday, 13 December 2007

Comments alerts

We can now put comments on someone else's journal on alerts. That is nice enough, except it was put to me that it turns AOL Journals into a stalkers' paradise. It offers trolls a goldmine of information on contacts for the journaler they see fit to torment. This is the worst-case scenario of course, and in the majority of cases it won't be abused as such. I have nonetheless advised the Journals Team at AOL of my concerns. Please do so yourself if you are similarly worried (


  1. since i am one of the ones who has so many problems, please please tell me that this does NOT pertain to private journals. I am confused.

  2. For crying out loud what do we need this for,I did ask journals editor but im yet to recieve a reply,I cannot see any benefit to this and you are totally right in your comments,those of us with problems are bracing ourselves,oh well whatever next? Your home address on your blog entries?? Zoexx

  3. Thank you Guido. I do Not like that idea of others being able to view things I'd like to keep the way it used to be. And I also agree...Yeppers, that will just feed the fire with my trolls!

  4. You make a valid point.

  5. nevermind I see the arrow now... GRRRRRR

  6. I expressed the same concern Guido... but I've yet to see where you can actually sign up for it.  

  7. Wouldn't it be a better idea like blogger where you can screen comments before you allow them on your blog. I have not opted for the new feature, you can still choose i think, however we always are able to thank our various readers for comments made.

  8. I see NO NEED for this feature! Leave it to AOL!

  9. I think this idea is ridiculus!!!  Someone that works there actually got PAID to come up with this idea?? Scary...

  10. Can you imagine all the email you would get if you got everyone's comments on the journals that you read. A bunch of nonsense to me. If I want to read the comments then I do so already LOL. Helen

  11. Hi nelishianatl,

    >"I am concerned that my prior stalker/troll/#1 Fan would be able to see everywhere >I comment"

    You don't have to worry. The comment alerts are only for a journal. Not for the person. So, this stalker cannot follow you as you think.  


  12. I have seen on some forums, the ability to click something that informs you if someone has commented on a thread after you have.  It keeps from having to re-check it all the time.  However, these aren't threads with people commenting on each other, typically, but all to the one blogger and that journal.

    oy.  I think I need to get to bed and not have this in my head!

  13. Honestly?? I think it's just one more form of wasted time on AOL's part of what they call improvement. I've had more spam comments recently than I ever did in the entire year that I've had my journal. I don't think it's linked, but you have to wonder. I had some idiot actually send me a link on my journal on the entry I did for Doc's Birthday about a single social network. As well as having another send my a psychic link telling me I could speak to the dead on the entry after losing Doc's mom. It's cruel and tasteless to have to deal with these ignorant vultures. If AOL seriously wanted to make an improvement, perhaps they would better moniter who was allowed usage of their services. It's bad enough we deal with the Advertisers without having to screen our comments section as well. (Hugs) Indigo

  14. Sometimes I read a few other comments when I read the entry.  The only time I go back to look again is if the post was something controversial or if I'm hoping people like, enjoy a post or writer I referred them to.  

    As for the stalker thing; they could read all comments now if they wanted to.  The only thing I see is that alerts could speed up thier reaction time if they wanted to have a full blown battle.

    Like I'm always telling my son, I think cell phones keep teenagers much more stirred up and all in a tizzy over one thing or another.  Back when, you couldn't find out what happened until the next day. Or if you did call a friend, parents were limiting your time.  And with text messaging they still are talking even when they are told not to.  So, I see the comment alerts as something sort of like that.  Speeding up reaction time.   -  Barbara

  15. I really don`t see the point of putting comments on alerts, I`ll read comments if and when I visit a journal. I can`t think why AOL did this.

    Love Sandra xx

  16. I can't imagine what all this furor is all about. If you don't want to subscribe to comments on people's blogs, don't subscribe. No one is pushing you to. As for not wanting to allow other people to subscribe to comments on your journal, what's the difference between someone clicking in to see if there are any new comments every hour or so, and them receiving notification? Either way, if someone wants to monitor your comments they can.

    Regarding the whole troll situation, trolls are very easy to deal with. Stop paying attention to them. It's the only reason they exist. If you ignore them, they go away. Pretty quickly, in fact.
