Friday 14 December 2007

Fuel protest

Tomorrow morning at 10 am, a rolling roadblock of vehicles is expected to disrupt travel on major routes in Scotland. The block is a protest against recent fuel price rises, with the cost of a litre of petrol now above £1. The authorities have declared that blockades of refineries, like what happened in September 2000, will not be tolerated. Over the past 10 years, tax on fuel has risen by 2.5% per annum, but the price of oil has gone up by 27% per year.

In the Western Isles (as I reported a day or so ago), petrol now costs £1.19 per litre (nearly $11 per gallon). It is brought into Stornoway and other ports by tanker ship.


  1. Our sons a semi driver-I wish they would do that here ,also.But ours is just under $3.00 a gallon here,and I thought that was awful.
    More power to them -hope it works and goes off without incident....

  2. I am interested in what will transpire.  I doubt if it will make any difference.

  3. I saw in the paper a huge blockade in France, truckers protesting high fuel costs.  I saw on station had regular unleaded for $2.99.9 ($3.00) a gallon.  So it appears to be coming down here.  Linda in Washington state

  4. Good grief!  $11 a gallon?  Truthfully, I really wish the whole world would totally cut back on gas consumption.  The US is the worst offender for driving everywhere.  I only put about 5,200 miles on my car last year.  Chris

  5. My God!! It would take me over $200 just to fill my gas tank at that price. I don't really drive that much. I go to work and home. I've been cutting back and STILL it costs a lot.
