Monday 20 August 2007

Fatal crush

An Australian woman of 60 has died after becoming the object of the desires of a young, male camel. She had taken the animal as a pet, and although only 10 months old, it already weighed a hefty 152 kg / 26 stones. The highly-strung camel had already tried to mount the family goat in recent times, and presently turned his affections to its owner. The woman was crushed to the ground as the camel lay on top of her, displaying (quoting Australian police) mating behaviour.

Camels were brought to Australia in the 1840s for transportation across the Outback. Young camels tend to get more aggressive if treated or raised as pets. Full-grown male camels can become extremely aggressive when their mates are in season.


  1. A camel is not my idea of a pet!    
    What an awful way to die for that woman.
    God Bless her.


  2. OMG! How awful, poor woman.

  3. OMG that's terrible!!

  4. And I thought my friends big billy goat was dangerous in the male way!

  5. Yes, I read the husband & kids gave it to her as a gift. Yikes. ~Mary
