Wednesday 29 August 2007

Wednesday notes

Rainy day today, not very good. Mind you, was awoken by the full moon shining in overnight. No hurricanes at present, except for a nascent typhoon in the middle of the Pacific. The Mexican Pacific coast will want to watch developments to their south; and there are two areas in the Atlantic to keep an eye out for.

A Spanish fishing boat, the Enxembre, has been released from detention at Ullapool harbour. The boat had been formally detained after crew complained that they had not been paid. An officer on board stated that he had not been paid for 4 months. A bond of £75k has been lodged with sollicitors by the various parties, to be held until the dispute is settled. This link gives the background, but please note it is 12 days old.


  1. Sorry about the has been hot and muggy here lately.  Great news on no hurricanes.  Hope the fishing boat gets to leave soon...take care.'

  2. Wish I could send you some of our sun & heat.  The weather guy is telling us it's supposed to be in the high 80's today.  Linda in Washington

  3. It held off all day here in the Lakes and up in the Borders where we went for the day.  It was pretty sunny but grew cold later on in the afternoon.  We now have ominous slate grey clouds back home but no rain as I type.

    How awful for those crewmen not to have been paid for so long!  How on earth have their families been managing?


  4. I caught that lunar eclipse too, was a bit like March's, only not as clear.  Didn't know harbor police could detain a vessel if a crew is left unpaid, interesting.  Good thing they spoke up.  CATHY      
