Monday 27 August 2007

NFL star suspended indefinitely

Michael Vick, an American football star accused of involvement in illegal dog fights, has been suspended indefinitely without pay by the NFL league. At his trial, the judge has warned him he could face a five year jail term.

American readers are all too familiar with this story, which is why I feature it. For UK readers, there is a summary here.

Contents warning: The story contains very unpleasant descriptions of the cruelty perpetrated against dogs by the ring that Vick is alleged to have been involved with.


  1. ugh...he deserves everything he gets and more...  IMO, There is no place in society for people like him.  If he'll abuse animals, he has the potential to abuse people...  :-/


  2. I agree with Amy.   I also signed an on-line petition too.  Men like that don't not deserve to be a member of society unless they can prove they have repented.  He and others like him are wicked men!  He should not be jailed he should be made to do the five years, or so, in a rescue centre for dogs and then under house arrest each evening.  Why should the public pay for his keep.   Make him pay by spending his time in retribution helping these poor animals.


  3. So he got what he deserved after all ,I have been following this on some of the jounals I visit ,thanks for the update Guido Jan xx

  4. He needs to go to jail.  When I think of all the young people who look up to these people as "heros" it makes me sick when they screw up like this.  If they are in the public eye, they should live lives that are lilly white.  And if they can't behave they need to get out of the limelight.    Linda in Washington state  

  5. I could not be happier and I hope he does go to jail.  Have been following the story on American journals.

  6. Although I signed the petition online, I would rather see this man and his buddies punished more in keeping with their crime, not simply sent to prison for "conspiracy" which is how it now stands legally.  Why not have him work sans wages in an animal shelter for a good while?  Get something constructive out of this instead of pure vengeful hatred.  CATHY

  7. I don't , nor will ever trust what an animal abuser says or does. Simply put he will abuse humans one of these days as well. It's never a far cry from one to another. I had to laugh when in his plea agreement, he admitted to bankrolling the dog fighting, partaking in the killing of several dogs. The ironic part is he said he never received monies from any gambling. What on Earth would make this man think it sounds so much better by having said that. Is he proud of his accomplishments in the torture and demise of these animals? (Hugs) Indigo
