Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Visit to the Broch

Basically dry afternoon, but overcast and actually feeling cool in the wind, if not cold. Went on the 2.30pm bus to Carloway, which is a 50 minute ride. Jumped off at Doune Carloway, about 2 miles southwest of the main village, and walked down the half mile access road to the Broch. There is a small visitor centre, which attempts to recreate life in the Broch. A Broch is a very large house, the edifice standing over 40 feet tall, which contains everything a family could need. It is NOT a fortification as such. The Carloway Broch stands on a prominent position with views all round. The photo album above also contains pictures taken from a moving bus on the return trip to Stornoway.


  1. It is amazing to see the old and the new houses together. It was great seeing the heather in bloom. It was just coming out in the borders when I was up two weeks ago.  Sybil

  2. I love the pictures of the heather and the sea in the background Guido.  Surely the 'natives' weren't that wee when the Broch was built for habitation?  Did you find out why such a small entrance?  My guess it was to stop the winds howling through the place or the  Highland cattle from squeezing in on a dreich night...lol!
    Smashing photos...it looked a bit incongruous to see modern bungalows being built without the stone cladding.  
    Other than that the views were spectacular.  You had a good day for it too.

    Thanks for this...I did enjoy the browse.
