Friday, 22 February 2008

Fonts & sizes

I gather there is a lot of problems with fonts & sizes on AOL Journals. If you have an issue, leave a comment. Spread the word!


  1. I'm not sure of what you speak, but I would like a size '16' in the drop down menu and some further choices of fonts.  

    There do tend to be times when the size seems to change all on its own ... but I'm never sure if it's me.  Or them.  lol

  2. If you're just asking for our opinions, I would like ALOT more choices.  There are many times that the journal chooses the font and size for me.... I like my signature font and size, but sometimes can't get them....AAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!


  3. I am not sure what the problem is, they have a several choices of fonts and sizes, least on mine, maybe AOL thinks I'm special. hahahahahahhahaha

  4. I would love to have so many more choises with the fonts and sizes! Every other journals have a very good selection of both.

  5. My fonts haven't worked properly for at least 12 months! Now I have broadband though - and it's slower than a snail! Keep smiling.

  6. I don't have any font problems Guido....touch wood!
    People were complaining that they couldn't see my photos earlier but that seems to be ok now.  Just aol housekeeping I expect at the weekend.
    What a pain!

  7. no problem here with fonts


  8. Yes, I have complaints about fonts and sizes.  Seems like all fonts almost look alike and the sizes are only big and small.  Would love to have more choices.  Joni

  9. I have been annoyed lately with continued problems with being able to add photos, so in frustration, haven't tried to add any words.  This means I don't know if Iv'e had font and size issues on journals, or not.  (Then again, I rarely both changing them!)  lol, yeah, I write to get it out.  Or add photos.  Mine's simple!

  10. A few of the fonts don't come in certain sizes , that's a givend it's always been that way. If there would be any complaints, it would be lack of selection. There isn't much variety with what they offer. (Hugs) Indigo

  11. I can almost never get anything to show up in a 12 pt. font.  I'm happy enough with 14 pt., but sometimes I'd like 12.
