Thursday 14 February 2008

University shooting

It was reported in the last 15 minutes that a gunman has fired on students on the campus of Northern Illinois University in De Kalb, 65 miles west of Chicago. Eighteen people are reported wounded, some with head injuries, by the gunman, who carried a shotgun and a pistol. Messages on the campus website have now indicated that the culprit has been secured, but all classes have been cancelled for tomorrow. The local hospital website carries updates on the on-going medical situation.

I hope there are no fatalities.


  1. Update: the gunman has shot himself dead, police confirmed 10 minutes ago.

  2. The violence and cruelty are never ending....(Hugs) Indigo

  3. I read this, not far from Ohio at all. Just tragic :(

  4. I read Mary's journal regarding your gloom and doom entry.  Mine was gloom and doom on 2/14 because my son attended NIU and can see where this horrific event happened from his front door of his apartment.  Yes there were deaths and I feel NIU will never be the same.  there are rumors that UIC (a college near Chicago) has had 3 threats.  God the world is scary albeit at times gloomy and doomy.

    As for j-land, I love this place, been around since nearly the beginning.  glad I found your journal.

