Saturday 9 February 2008

Bubbles - 2

I have browsed through Dr Williams' speech, and to my mind he starts off on the wrong premise altogether. He assumes that Sharia law will be implemented, and spends nearly a dozen pages justifying various approaches. The problem is, as I outlined yesterday, that the UK is a secular state, where church and state are separate. By that, I mean that the church does NOT make the laws.

Yes, the various Archbishops sit in the House of Lords, and will give their opinion from a religious perspective. As such, Dr Williams was justified to give his opinion on a fraught issue in British society today, namely, that of migrants from different religious and ethnic backgrounds, bringing in their own set of values and norms. It is the job of the government to ensure that these people integrate, by adopting the British perspective. They should integrate British laws and customs into their lives as they live them in the UK. This is actually accepted within the Muslim section of society.

Saying that they don't have to, and actually can adhere to their own laws is out of order. How about if we jetted off to a Muslim country, like Saudi Arabia, and insist they adopt Christianity-based laws for us? Don't think so. 


  1. Thankyou for that Guido !....I agree ,love Jan xx

  2. I can understanding being respectful of each others religious beliefs and practices -- but to adopt new laws, when they aren't even suggesting bringing IN those laws?  Yeah, pop that bubble, quickly.

    (Some areas of the U.S. allow the Native Americans to have their own set of laws, but I see that as different than this situation you mention.  The Native Americans were here before the rest of us invaded.)

  3. I did try to read it but started to skim read about 3/4 way through.  A man of his intelligence should have realised that the press would have got hold of it and what the feeling of the people would be.  As i recollect at the last census approx 72% of the country said they were christian and all the rest of the religions put together only came to around 10% (rough remembrance) with a few Jedi thrown in.  That can no way be called a multifaith country.
    Jenny <><

  4. UK govt has assumed UK would remain quiet and whilst they got on with okying sharia law as far as finance and corporate law is concerned. Talk about ignoring those who pay you to represent your interests. It's a disgrace. Sharia is a moral and a legal code on how to conduct yourself as a member of the islam faith. 3 sorts of muslim, moderate, stringent, extreme i.e. jehad. Sharia varies from street to district to country to state...from reasonable to harsh. So pray...someone explain to me if not our mp's how on earth Sharia can be incorporated within UK law..given it's extremes and the strengths of the islam faith? As you say....if we commit a crime anywhere else in the's the law of the land that prevails...not the one you usually enjoy.
    This issue is so closely linked with immigration...another issue UK govt is keeping quiet on i.e. the fact that EU has determined it's ok for europeans to toddle into other's countries and pick up the juiciest deals. And in June, if QE2nd signs the EU treaty...that's kinda that. UK law will be subsumed into EU law by up to 80%.
    In dint of EU on both immigration and islamic tolerance our UK govt appears to have landed us in a position of no debate, choice...or return.

    Perhaps that explains why there's no strident response from any they already know all of this..and that it appears to be a done deal. I'm profoundly disgusted. I feel totally let down by UK. Enoch's words may sadly turn into reality. All due to an invertibrate govt.

    I guess the sub text is...we won't get blown up if we play nicely with Islam. Shylock's sure got his pound of flesh hey...from each and every britain who never got the courtesy of being asked. We may as well start using the word autocracy for UK...democracy is fast departing our shores.
