Thursday 20 September 2007

Website woes

As I said a couple of days ago, I've got my new website up and running. Tried to build a new page for it, using Frontpage. Looked fantastic, text, images, links, oh wow. Uploaded it to the webhost, looked fantastic. Pulled it up in the browser, and all it showed was a blank screen, with the numerals "53" in the top left corner. Checked it through one of those W3C HTML validators (don't ask) and it was fatally flawed. Back to the drawing board, or rather to the HTML class.

1 comment:

  1. I've often played about with Front Page and then chickened out when it came to the upload.  One day I might try it for real.
    I know how long you must have spent on this and then to loose it?  A tragedy!
    Couldn't you just SPIT!
    Where does it go?  Surely it must be somewhere?   I would have been devastated.

