Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Nice Matters

I caught a comment in one of the journals that people feel aggrieved at not being awarded a Nice Matters award. That is a sad state of affairs. Personally, I have made it very clear that the whole community deserves the award, although I appreciate the kudos of having a personal mention.

Why did the VIVIs sink?
I rest my case.


  1. Yes I have noticed that, also if everyone participates in nominating and giving out awards more or less everyone will get one anyway.


  2. I did my best by apologising to those who read my journal and never got one when I handed mine out.  I admit I felt guilty at just having to chose a few from all of them.  Some journaller's have actually included everyone in their awards because they felt this too.  That was clever and considerate of them.  I lived in hope that the tag would do the rounds and eventually get to everyone.  
    I don't know what the VIVIs are I'm afraid but feel you are alluding to this award disappearing because of dissent?

  3. who said there could only be 5 awarded this tag per journal?

    i think YOU are really nice!!


  4. I felt the news travels so fast in J/land it wouldn't be long before everyone got one.I personaly do not like recieveing them for the reason of having to choose and forward.I remember the VIVa's well. Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES

  5. I also mentioned that I felt ALL deserved one, I passed out to 6, but knew others would pass on to more.
    Vivis, I remember the stink. :(

  6. There have been awards I was not a recipient of and it didn't anger me at all.  I guess I just don't take things so personally.  I really don't like to have to choose people ~ I am very uncomfortable with this as I know there are so many who deserve recognition for a number of reasons.  Seems feelings get hurt easily and I would hate to think I did that to anyone.

    It should be clear to you how NICE we ALL think you are!!! ;)

  7. I agree Guido. And it is also sad that we can't hold the ViVi's anymore.

  8. Oh dear, why do some people take it so personally, it`s just a virtual award and though it is very nice to receive one I wouldn`t have minded if I didn`t.

    Love Sandra xx

  9. One of the main reasons I handled it the way I did....Sometimes it's just a lot of high school drama. Your my friend above anyone deserved this award. (Hugs) Indigo

  10. Hi pharmolo thankyou for stopping by my journal and leaving such kind comments and also a big thankyou for my award.
    Once again thankyou so much its nice to see how people you dont really know can be so thoughtful and caring on what goes on in our lives. xxxx kerryanne xxxx

  11. I am the one who started passing the awards around JLand.  I got it from a blogger outside of JLand.  At first I worried that it would hurt others feelings, and didn't want to hand it out.  I didn't even put it in my blog for almost two months, in my sidebar, or even mention it.  Then I felt it was time to hand it out.  I figured that even if I picked a few, eventually it would make the rounds!  Besides, people should not be jealous and petty if they don't get one.  If they are, they are certainly NOT nice, LOL.  Anyway, I only picked three, b/c I knew I wouldn't be able to stop if I kept on picking.  But if you read in my blog, the creator of the award said you could pick up to 7.  Okay, as far as the VIVIs go, it is so sad.  People go SO competive.  It was hurtful.  Right now there are a few contests going on around JLand, and believe me, in the background there is some backstabbing.  There is also troll hate mail going around.  I wouldn't think that would be going on in our community but it is.  I have gotten a lot of troll hate mail.  I don't mention it, and don't know why I am now, but I am just saying that people are so jealous of each other at times.  It's insane.  That is why nobody wants to take on the VIVIs, which I think is one of the saddest things, b/c they are fun, and a true peer award recognition thing.  Okay, I've said my piece, LOL,

    Krissy :)

  12. that's exactly why Guido... over 2 years and counting for me... and why?  To be hateful.  Makes me wonder why I stay.  GRRRRRr

  13. I've not even heard of a "Nice Matters" award.

    Sigh.  Aren't people humane, and nice, to be humane and nice?  As in, not for some award, right?

    Not saying many don't deserve it:)  I'm sure you did.  I just have to catch up some year on m yreading lol.
