Wednesday 5 September 2007

9/11 - 6 years on

Next Tuesday is the 6th anniversary of the event now referred to as 9/11. Two planes flown into the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York, one into the Pentagon in Washington and a fourth crashed in rural Pennsylvania, after the passengers took on the hijackers. More than 3,000 lost their lives.

On 11 September 2007, I shall repost the entry I posted in 2006. The tribute to Norberto Hernandez. Anyone else that participated in the 2996 project a year ago could do that too - or write a tribute to another person.


  1. I will probably re-post mine as well, we shall see, undecided at the moment.

  2. I plan on doing one.  Last year I had the information at work. And kept forgetting to bring it home.  But now I have it here right  by my computer. Linda in Washington state  

  3. I memorialize 9/11 the same way each year, shall do so again Tues.  CATHY

  4. I look forward to reading yours. I am working on 2 new tributes this year, Deora Bodley and Tom Burnett, both on United Flight 93. Neither received a tribute last year.

    I will also repost my tribute from last year of Marion Britton. Please stop by.

    And never forget.


  5. I'll be back to read your tribute. I already put mine up for this year. Shuyin Yang did not receive a tribute last year,either. But once I did my research, I realized I could not post about her without also posting about her husband who perished with her.
    I am glad to see people are continuing to post these tributes,or re-post, since I think the 2,996 project should continue. Never forget.
