Monday 3 September 2007

Journals Tournament V

JOURNAL TOURNAMENT V is a three task tournament originally begun in November 2005.  Over a period of time, participants will search through any source they can to find the answers to ten questions of varying topics.  These questions are submitted by a deadline, scored, and the process is repeated twice.  After three tasks, the totals are added up, and a winner is declared.  This winner will receive an icon to place in their sidebar, and join the ranks of the winners gone before them.  Join JOURNAL TOURNAMENT V for challenge, camaraderie, and fun! 

Registration deadline 16 September 2007 11:59pm CST.

Details from Kellen on this link:


  1. I don't know whether to try it or not...Linda in Washington state  

  2. Hello!  Thank you for stopping by my journal to say hello.  I appreciate all readers.  I enjoyed, well, maybe to say I enjoyed reading about Felix isn't very nice since he's kicking up a lot of trouble in his wake, but it is very interesting to find a journal where I can track his path.  I'll be back for sure!

    It's going to be another 113 degree day here in Riverside, California.  NOT looking forward to that.  My airconditioning bill is going to be outrageous!

  3. Thanks -- I hadn't heard of this at all except from your journal.  Depending upon the dates of the tournament, I may try it.....
