Monday 10 September 2007

Monday notes

All quiet on the hurricane front at the moment. Watch out later in the week though, when a new system turns up the heat between Africa and the Windward Islands.

Nice sunny morning, although not warm. Tonight might even see the first frost of the season, when temperatures dive to 3C / 37F in frostprone areas.

I cannot comment further on the Madeleine McCann case and quite frankly, I just find it beyond belief that the BBC's 24 hour news channel allowed all of Saturday and Sunday to be taken up by this case. The sum total of 48 hours' reporting is: Kate and Gerry McCann are formal suspects in the disappearance of their daughter and have now returned to the UK. They may be recalled to Portugal at 5 days' notice for further questioning or legal proceedings.


  1. Well at least there were no desperate disasters for BBCNews 24 to report on.
    I have a tendency to leave well alone and see what the authorities come up with.  Reporters are like a dog with a rabbit these days.  They can't leave well alone.  Or know when a story has run its course.  They have to wring every nuance out of situations.  It desensitises me to read and hear of it all the time.
    We have sunshine and strong cool breezes today.  Its quite lovely really.


  2. The whole thing is very bizzare.  Why would Portugal let them leave the country, if they were truly suspects?  Very strange...Linda in WA

  3. CNN was explaining this morning that the Portuguese term for suspect isn't the same as that of Britain or the US.  In Portugal it's just a status that allows for more questioning, not necessarily what the British and Americans think.  I wish they had told us that days and days ago, but the media never seems to be telling quite all of the truth.
