Monday 10 September 2007

Smoking ban

Following the introduction on a ban on smoking in public places in Scotland in March 2006, the number of heart attacks in smokers has been reduced by 6% and in non-smokers by 17%. Only goes to show, according to the medical profession, that passive smoking (inhaling someone else's smoke even if you do not smoke yourself) kills. One of the many health benefits the smoking ban has brought.


  1. That is very good news Guido, I wonder what the findings will be if and when they do a similar study here in England.

    Love Sandra xx

  2. Wish they would have the ban in all public places, I hate walking up the street behind someone smoking you end up inhaling the clouds they leave behind!
    bella x

  3. What fascinating stats!  Here's to a healthy lifestyle!

  4. Did anyone actually think 2nd-hand smoke was okay??  Geeps.  CATHY

  5. I'm so thankful not to have to smell or be around cigarette smoke anymore!
