Sunday 2 September 2007

Afternoon amble

One of my local strolls is around the Newton Basin to Goat Island, only about 5 or 10 minutes' walk. The Coastguard Station, not featured in this series of photographs, stands in a prominent position. At times of high winds or remarkable celestial events (like a full moon reflecting in the sea) I often go there to get the best pictures.

Goat Island used to be an island, but is now linked to mainland Lewis by a causeway. It now houses several buildings related to the fish-processing industry as well as boat maintenance. Not the most attractive of surroundings, but, again, a nice vantage point.


  1. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. Helen

  2. Beautiful pictures!

  3. Yes Guido...beautiful pictures.  Linda in WA

  4. Love the pictures, especially the boats.

