Sunday 2 September 2007

Sunday notes

Nice sunny weather with some puffy clouds about. Better than down south, which is having the rain that plagued us through yesterday.

I think we have little reason to complain - excessive rains in Mexico, associated with tropical storm Henriette, have caused mudslides which claimed lives. Henriette is now moving out to sea and for the moment does not pose a threat to land. The system is likely to attain hurricane strength.

Of more concern is hurricane Felix. This system, currently with maximum sustained winds of 95 mph, is rapidly approaching the Netherlands Antilles, off the northwestern coast of Venezuela. After demolishing orchards and a concert venue in Grenada on Friday, the storm will pass close to the islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. Hurricane force winds are not very likely, but tropical storm winds are. After passing the ABC islands, Felix will head for Central America, and make landfall with winds of 140 mph (still got hold of your hat?). The storm will once again trounce the Yucatan before reemerging into the Gulf of Mexico and this time with a northwesterly course in mind. This is very uncertain, but keep an eye on Felix. It's not a cat, it's a tiger.


  1. LOL on Felix the tiger!

  2. bleh....what the heck....none of the storms head towards Florida this year?!  tsk.  

    We had a pretty cloudy day today here in Texas and yet, I managed to get plenty sunburned.


  3. I think we got up to the middle 70's here in my area today.  Perfect !  They said we'd be getting rain but have not seen any dropplets yet.   Linda in Washington
