Wednesday 5 September 2007

Flea-ridden pets? Read carefully!

There is nothing like having an infestation of fleas in the house to grab the nearest flea remedy and zap the blighters. Be careful though.

It was reported today that a number of cats had died or become severely ill within hours of being given a flea-remedy, intended for dogs. The canine remedy contained permethrin, which cannot be metabolised by cats, and is therefore extremely toxic to them. It was given to a 10-week old kitten, which went into convulsions and died within 2 hours - the fleas on it were still alive by that time. The remedy concerned was applied by a dropper in the neck region of the animal.

The labeling of the container that the flea zapper comes in should specify whether it's for a dog or a cat. If you have both a dog and a cat in the home, check very carefully before using it.


  1. That's why it's really important to get flea remedies from your vet.  When I had to get some for Gabi last month, I went to her Vet's office and they even pulled her chart and documented it's purchase in her chart.  Linda in Washington state

  2. This is so sad...and very true.  Working for a Vet for years we saw many cases where the client used the wrong shampoo...good info for your readers...thanks for sharing ...take care.

  3. It's also something.  CATHY
