Thursday 6 September 2007

Thursday notes

Overcast but reasonably bright this morning. One of our guests went on the 7.15 am ferry on the way to the Orkney islands. Otherwise, all quiet on the western front.

Heard just now that famous opera tenor Luciano Pavarotti died at the age of 71. Pavarotti was one of the Three Tenors, who brought opera back to a broader audience some years ago. An extensive tribute can be found here. He sang "Nessun Dorma" [None shall sleep], the theme for the 1990 Football World Cup, held in Italy. Let us hope he can now sleep in peace, free from the effects of pancreatic cancer.

His name was associated with the Hebrides a decade ago, when the then-owner of the Isle of Eigg offered his island to Pavarotti to establish a school of music there. A crackpot scheme, which was quickly spotted as such by Pavarotti's staff. The school would house 3,500 students; Eigg has a population of 80. The then-owner of Eigg was a German 'artist' called Maruma, who would fire paint at a canvas and set it alight.


  1. Sounds like Eigg was an egghead,LOL
    Pavorotti will be greatly missed....
    Have a good day,eve,whatever it is way over yonder..........

  2. Sad to hear about Pavaroti's death Guido...he was such a great singer. May he rest in peace.

    As for the then owner of Eigg offering him his island...It takes all kinds to make a world...Lol!


  3. Amen to that Guido ,he will be missed ...,so close to the tenth aniversary of Dianas death and they were friends Jan xx

  4. With Puccini's "Turandot" one of my favorite operas, I remember the aria very well, esp at the World Cup ("Victory"! he sang over and over).  This is one voice that truly touched the world.  Arrevederci, Maestro.  CATHY

  5. I was sorry to hear of his passing. So sad that he was so sick. He was a great opera singer.
