Friday 7 September 2007

Friday pics

The first two images show the front and stern of the yacht Fortunate Sun.

This was the average cloudscape for today


  1. Wow, beautiful boat!   There's a boat yard at our little ocen front town of Westport, that built Johnny Carson's last yacht.  Somewhere I have pictures of it. Anyway it was so big, if I rememeber had a crew of 16.  Can you imagine having that much money to but something like that?     Beautiful pictures.   here's the link to the Mt St Helens web cam.  It's very clear down there today and you can see a little steam coming out over on the right.  It's about a two drive, south east of my house.  Linda in Washington state  

  2. Hi!  Thanks for dropping by my journal and leaving your comment!  I've signed up for notices to yours.  Wow, what a yacht.  When we went over to Cocoa Beach earlier this week, we had lunch at a restaurant at Port Canaveral.  A lot of the big cruise ships come and go from there, although we didn't see any while we were there!  One of my life dreams is to visit Scotland.  I have a lot of family heritage from Scotland, Ireland and England.  Maybe some day!  Have a fabulous Friday and weekend!  Linda in Florida

  3. I enjoyed all the photos...the last is my favorite!  Have a wonderful weekend...

  4. What a beautiful place to live,but you already know that............
    They are having a yachting regatta in a nearby village,but this is a small lake so nothing this fabulous will be there for sure....not that I go,too rich for me,LOL....

  5. love the pictures

  6. Big yacht, big sky, wonder-land.  CATHY

  7. Odd photo that last one, and as usual I enjoy your detailed photographic studies of boats and small ships.  Gerry

  8. grey clouds...  ::happy sigh::  ;-)


  9. Beautiful pics.... love the grey sky!!

