Saturday 8 September 2007


Good morning all. This name will dominate the folks in North and South Carolina today, as a subtropical storm by this name is moving your way. She will become a fully tropical storm within 24 hours - I'll spare you the details of what the difference is. Gabrielle carries winds of 45 mph (force 9 on the Beaufort scale) to its north, but this will spread right round the system as it becomes fully tropical.

Parts of North and South Carolina (Edisto Beach northward to Oregon Inlet, including Pamlico Sound) are on a tropical storm watch, meaning that tropical storm force winds (in excess of 40 mph) are possible within 36 hours. This watch will probably be upgraded to a full warning later today, which shortens the timespan to 24 hours.
Rainfall totals will be between 2 and 4 inches, with localised totals of 6 inches possible.

Local hurricane statements have been issued for

Morehead City, NC
Wilmington, NC
Charleston, SC

I should stress that Gabrielle is not a hurricane and will not become a hurricane.
This storm will veer north once over the outer banks off the Carolinas and head off northeast into the North Atlantic.

1 comment:

  1. ....finally a storm that stays on the east side of the US.  I had convinced myself that the storms were following me.

