Saturday 8 September 2007

Saturday notes

Another overcast day, with a chance of some drizzle. The thermometer has put down roots around the 60F mark by the look of it. We're there again just now.

Osama Bin Liner has issued another video seance in which he rubbishes everything the Western world stands for, and tells the US to convert to Islam. Yawn. Seems Osama doesn't know his own Holy Scripts, which exempt subscribers to other faiths from Islamic scriptures.

The Russians have been flexing their military muscles of late, flying planes out over the North Atlantic and Pacific in a show of military assertiveness. Their space programme, however, is going to the dogs - or should that be bears? Another space launch went wrong, with a Japanese communications satellite crashing into Kazakhstan after a rocket motor malfunctioned. The Kazakhs aren't too happy about that 150 ft hole in their territory. The Russians launch from Baikonur, which they have leased from the Kazakhs since the break-up of the good ole USSR in 1991.


  1. I reckon the Russians are just trying out their wings...its been so long for them since they did.  I wouldn't go as far as saying its empty gestures but ...they have a long way to go before they can catch up on technology.  I reckon they are all becoming self made millionaires first before they decide to offload some of their 'inheritance' on strategic defence proliferation as they once did.
    Jeanie in the land of sunshine, dragonflies and bumblebees.
    Lazy Days....


  2. Our newscasters were a little skeptical about the authenticity of this latest word from Osama.  They were saying that the hair and beard were darker than previous videos.  Perhaps he's having a mid-life crisis and has taken to dying his hair. I wonder what would happen if NO news source in the whole world would broadcast his videos...just completely ignore him ?   Do you suppose, he's fade into the sunset?   Linda in sunny and warm again today, Washington state

  3. One of my old high school girlfriends lives in Kazakhstan. I'm sure that was quite a shock to her!
