Monday 3 September 2007


Geography comes with the territory of hurricane hunting (which is what I do by virtue of the Internet). Those that know me quite well are aware of my tendency to amass maps wherever I go. Apart from geography, a knowledge of geopolitics is also useful. Something that a hurricane hunter in a country I shall not name was decidedly lacking in.

My Sitemeter on the TC blog records the ways by which visitors reach it. 90% of folks come there by Google. The search terms are revealed. How about: "Hurricane Netherland". Right. So this poor chap thought that a tropical hurricane had struck in the Netherlands, Europe. Problem is that hurricane Felix passed by the ABC islands of the Netherlands Antilles, located just northwest of Venezuela. The N.A. are an autonomous region of the Netherlands, a former colony. The finer nuances were lost on our Googler. Bless.


  1. I'm right up there or is that down there in his league,it's way over me pea-brain also..........................

  2. LOL......  I like to think that the googler in question came to you knowing it was Netherlands Antilles but just shortened it.  So, most of your readers aren't regular readers, but come by searches?  Interesting!  

  3. Ah poor guy.  Broad search-wording can make a mess.  CATHY
