Thursday 13 September 2007

Thursday notes

Very windy day, and the rain is just starting. As I said in an earlier entry, a gale is expected around exposed coasts today.

Sumatra has been hit by a second earthquake, 12 hours after the 8.2 magnitude tremor yesterday morning. At 2349 GMT last night, a quake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale hit the area, exacerbating the damage caused by the first. After the Boxing Day tsunami of 2004, Indonesians are terrified by earthquakes. No major tsunami was reported in the aftermath of either quake.

1 comment:

  1. Quote;
    No major tsunami was reported in the aftermath of either quake.

    Thank God!  This is such an unstable area.  It must be so scary to live in amongst all this terror from the earthquakes.  
    I remember standing on an erthquake simulator in the British Science Mueseum in London.  You are shaken out of control during an earthquake.  Even if you are not in a building.  Scary.
    I hope there are no fatalities after this one.

    We have a cold day her in the Lakes.  Its a leaden grey overcast sky with a cool wind.  Not nice!  A wee bit nippy!

