Wednesday 12 September 2007

Tuesday notes

A few remarks about yesterday, which was rather non-descript in terms of weather. Same as before. In the evening, I attended a performance of Rossini's opera La Cenorentela, known in English as Cinderella. It was put up by Scottish Opera as part of a 19-performance tour of Scotland which stretches from Kirkwall in the north to Biggar in the south. Every second or third night, the company puts up a show.

The music was provided by a very proficient pianist, with seven actors on stage. The decor was cleverly designed with revolving panels, which could also fold out and turn into a different background. It was very good indeed, and I thoroughly recommend it to anyone in Scotland between now and October 20th. The link above gives more details about the performance and venues.


  1. Sounds like an interesting show, Guido. Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. Isn't it wonderful that the Dramatic Arts can come to even the remotest parts of Scotland to give pleasure to everyone.  I would have like to have joined you Guido.  Sounded like a wonderful night of entertainment.
    We baegan the morning with lovely sunshine but its now clouding over....sad!


  3. Oh, my daughter's favorite when a young girl, so I've seen many productions of Cinderella, from muppets version to lovely ballets.  This one sounds quite enjoyable and of quality, that'd still interest her now 13-year old self.

  4. So now you are going to the opera.  You are always a surprising fellow.  Opera is a strain for me, but ever once in a while I tackle it on PBS.  Gerry
