Wednesday 12 September 2007

Wednesday notes

Back to today, which is turning into a mild sunny afternoon. News came through recently of another suspected outbreak of foot and mouth disease, this time at Egham, just west of London, near the intersection of the M3 and M25 motorways. A 3 km exclusion zone has been set up, which covers stretches of both motorways. The government's emergency COBRA [Cabinet Office Briefing Room A] committee will meet later this afternoon, as soon as the definitive test results are, confirming or otherwise whether foot and mouth does exist in the herd at Egham. The farm is located 30 miles to the north of the outbreak near Guildford.

It is reported that short-term use of the contraceptive pill apparently reduces the risk of cancer. The risks posed by breast and ovarian cancers are statistically less than the benefits of using the pill. They still exist though. In the longer term, the pill is associated with an increasing risk of cancer.

Couple of Russian news items that caught my eye. Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, has accepted the resignation of his entire cabinet, giving him free reign to appoint a new cabinet in the run-up to presidential elections in March 2008.

The governor of the Ulyanovsk region in Russia, 300 miles east of Russia, has called on couples to take a day off to have sex. Any babies born in 9 months time on June 12th will win the happy parents a prize. June 12th is Russia's national day. Am I allowed to say that I think this idea is bonkers? No, it's government policy to promote childbirth rates.

Seriously, changes are afoot in Russia, and you could do worse than read this article to keep abreast of developments.


  1. Not more foot and mouth!  What a worry for us all again!
    Hormone replacement speeded up my oestrogen sensitive cancer...its amazing what hormones can so for the good and bad of our welfare.

    Wonder what Putinis up to now?  He sounds like he is becoming an egomaniac!

    Quote: 'Am I allowed to say that I think this idea is bonkers? '  A play on the word 'bonkers' Guido?  Subliminal or intentional...Lol!

    Have a great day!


  2. Hiya Guido sorry i have not been around much. Although i have been reading journals such as yours and keeping up todate. I wonder what Russia is planning now. I wonder what the prize will be, a years supply of nappies i shouldnt wonder lol.
    Love and hugs

  3. Very interesting, Guido.

    Oh, and if I remember some of the stats I've read in the past (from what I consider reliable sources), U.S. birthrates DO go up at the appropriate time interval (not exactly 9 months) following a major event, such as a holiday like Independence Day, or even following 9/11/01.  Their plan will likely produce at least a few new Russian babies.

  4. Interesting, and just a little bit scary.
