Wednesday 12 September 2007

Earthquake in Indonesia - tsunami alert

An earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale has struck Indonesia, near Sumatra. Buildings in the capital Jakarta were reported to be swaying as the earthquake took place, an hour ago at 1210 BST (1110 GMT or 0710 BST).

A tsunami watch is in force, full details from this site. Please check the PTWC site frequently for updates.


  1. Oh, I hadn't heard of this one (yet) otherwise.  I hope everyone's okay.  7.9....

  2. All I can say is thank God I don't live there!  How awful for those right in the midst of it all.  And worrying too about the Tsunami possibility.
    We are so very lucky where we live.


  3. I've been hearing that on our local news this morning.  Hopefully, the tsunami will not happen...the earthquake was bad enough.  Linda in Washington state
