Tuesday 4 March 2008

Tuesday 4 March

Sunny day today, with the temperature slowly rising. Tomorrow, we'll be back to wind and rain.

The row between Ecuadar, Venezuela and Colombia continues to rumble on. Diplomatic ties between Colombia and the other two have been cut. Colombia claims Farc were negotiating the acquisition of uranium, making it a global terrorist organisation. Ecuador and Venezuela have rubbished those claims. Whether this will escalate into armed conflict is unclear, and according to one analysis I've read, not likely. Venezuela is a major oil exporter.

A male nurse from West Yorkshire has been convicted of murder, after he injected non-diabetic patients with overdoses of insulin. The elderly patients, women aged between 79 and 88, were in hospital for hip problems. He was handed a life sentence, with a recommendation he serve at least 30 years. Detectives described him as an arrogant person. Only the vigilance of the doctor on the ward prevented him from continuing his killing spree.


  1. Stories such as this make me sick ~ he got just what he deserved.

  2. so glad that male nurse will be spending lots of time in jail; deplorable what he did to those elderly patients who probably had trust in him


  3. I`m glad that nurse has been jailed, it`s very scary to think that he was able to do what he did.

    Love Sandra xx
