Thursday 6 September 2007


I know it's only September 6th, but autumn is definitely on its way in.

Found this toadstool near the Stornoway Coastguard Station this evening - the other side of it was already rotting away. As this type of toadstool tends to do. It stood about 6 inches high. I was there at 7.30, to photograph the sunset. Back in July, I would have had to wait another 2 hours or so for:

Come wintertime, I'll have to be out there at 3pm to catch the sunset, and it'll be a good deal further to the left. Temperatures are still pretty good, 19C / 66F this afternoon in bright sunshine.


  1. I noticed some on our walk at the beginning of the week Guido.  Autumn has sure rushed in this year.  I can't complain at the moment though as we have had lovely sunshine today here in the Lakes.  An Indian summer as promised....
    That was a beautiful sunset.
    It looks so calm and serene.


  2. Never saw one quite that high!  And the sunset - well once again your pix bring us a bit of the magic of your homeland.  Thanks!  CATHY

  3. 66F is absolutely perfect weather in my opinion. It's about that at 6am...but quickly warms to the 80's now.
    This is the best time of year. I'm looking forward to the cooler days.

  4. Our temperature just got to a little over 70* today.  PERFECT !!. I have noticed the earlier sunset and the later sunrise.  I woke up this morning about 5:45am and it was still sort of dark out there. While 6 weeks ago, it would have been  totally light with the birds chirping.  I always hated going to work in the dark and coming home as it was just starting to get dark.  I worked 7am to 3:30pm, so when I went in the morning it was really just barely getting light.  This year, I can stay home and not have to worry about all that stuff.   Linda in Washington state

  5. Beautiful sunset on the water shot.You're lucky to live near there and get such photos.............

  6. Beautiful sunset!!


  7. Beautiful sunset.  Wow sunset at 3:30 that is early.  I guess you get a lot of reading time there.  Joni

  8. a sunset at 3 PM?!  I love it!  There is just too much sunshine for me here in Texas.


  9. Sunsets and sunrises come and go in the night here - although warm at the moment, it's so dark because of constant cloud cover. Never known a summer like it. Washed out for 3 months, now we're blacked out! Hopefully Christmas will bring wall to wall sunshine and a heatwave. Keep laughing.
