Friday 7 September 2007

Hurricane update - 7 September

The three hurricanes that dominated the news this week are no more. Henriette rained itself out over New Mexico and Arizona yesterday, but not before claiming 9 lives across Mexico. Six died in mudslides near Acapulco, one drowned in high surf at Cabo San Lucas, and another two in the northwest of Mexico.

Felix is now known to have claimed 98 lives in Nicaragua, and the town of Puerto Cabezas, which was in the path of the worst winds around the hurricane, has been severely damaged. Dozens of people were swept out to sea, out of their houses or in their boats, and bodies were spotted in the debris-strewn sea off Nicaragua. The death toll could yet rise further. The remnant of Felix is currently over the Gulf of Tehuantepec, south of Acapulco, with a remote chance of turning into a tropical cyclone again.

Typhoon Fitow hit Japan in the early hours of today (i.e. 12 hours ago) with winds of nearly 70 mph and heavy rains. One man was killed by a falling tree, 50 were injured and searches are on-going for homeless people who were shacking up along the banks of a river which swept them away. Fitow is currently turning into a 'normal' depression over Hokkaido.

No hurricanes in the offing just now - I have lost faith in the NHC's prediction that a low pressure system off the Carolinas could turn into something nasty. They themselves are amazed at the lack of activity across the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific.


  1. So much devastation.........
    that  is such a shame.............
    count our blessings everyone..............

  2. This is such a tragedy many folks gone!  Washed out to sea.  My worst nightmare.    We are so very luck..aren't we?
    God Bless them.

