Friday 7 September 2007

Madeleine McCann

After being interrogated for 11 hours yesterday, Madeleine's mother, Kate, has now been formally named a suspect, "arguida" under Portuguese law. This move is not known under UK or US law, but empowers the police to ask certain questions which they cannot ask when interrogating a witness. Conversely, it also affords certain protection to the named suspect and she is not obliged to answer certain questions.

When Mrs McCann arrived at the Portimao police station 45 minutes ago, she was met with boos and hisses from the assembled crowd. That's what I call jumping to conclusions - she has not been formally charged with any offense.

I will go so far as to say that wielding the press as a weapon in your cause is dangerous - it is a two-edged sword that can as easily turn against you as work for you. The McCanns have sought publicity, but unfortunately, are now encountering the flipside of that coin.

There is a storm of speculation, unfounded revelations etcetera in the tabloid press - I do not buy any of those papers, but the headlines scream out at you in 2 to 3 inch high letterings when queueing at the paper counter in Somerfields or other newsagents. I pay no attention to that at all - I just hope (against hope) that Madeleine will found alive and well. I hold the same hope for the thousands of other children that go missing, and have been missing for years in some cases, across the UK and across the world.


  1. I have been waiting for your entry on this ,wondered what your take on it would be ,you sound like me, dont know what to think ,but then we havent got all the facts Jan xx

  2. This is all-just awful/I never could understand why they would leave a child while they enjoyed dinner,but as for them harming their child-I just don't know.Such a beautiful child,sending out prayers for her SAFE return...............

  3. It is a very strange case Guido.  Like you I hope there will be a happy outcome but my own feeling is that Maddie is dead.

  4. I don't know what to think of all this Guido.  It sounds implausable her mother being a suspect.  
    I can understand the authorities flipping the coin and looking at all the evidence from another point of view but this does not rest easy with me at all!
    I believe her husband will be interrogated today also.  
    That's something I would be worried about after so long a time.  
    If you have ever played the game Chinese Whispers then you will know how easily the written or spoken word can be changed to create another picture.  Memory retention, or lack of it, with repetion of explanations might lead a person to use different terminology to accent a situation or moment in time.
    I suppose they will have a linguist/phsychologist to hand to explain all this.

    Is it just stabs in the dark?  
    I hope and pray that some new evidence turns up or that Madeleine is found alive or dead.  There I said it.  
    Please God she is not somewhere with a peodophile.
    And that her parents come through all this intact with their minds and reputations.
    It doesn't bear thinking about that her mother was responsible.  I refuse to believe that until evidence prooves otherwise.


  5. this was the ONLY thing we talked about at work last night....after the Susan Smith tragedy in the states in 1992, i have never truly trusted ANY mom of a kidnapped child but i will tell you that i thought this mom was or is innocent. It has always seemed a bit "off".....BUT i am keeping a half open mind about it all.

  6. <irritated disbelief.  I can be pretty cynical, but wow, the crowd turns, huh?  If this lady didn't do it (& perhaps if she did), this could drive her to suicide. ~Mary

  7. I'm lost for words!

  8. The future only, will tell if the parents really did something.  Sadly I just don't forsee a happy outcome for this after all the stituations we've had similar in the states.  When I turned the TV on this am it is the top story here, oh I guess 2ns to Osama.  Joni

  9. Even if she didn't do it...she was careless. I read that she dined with her husband and left the child in the room, to be checked on periodically. Come on...who does that?? No responsible parent would leave a child alone in a hotel room while dining.
    I just hope that the girl is found safe. It's very sad.

  10. Hopefully, the parents are innocent of any wrong doing.  I see an article in my paper this morning but haven't read it as yet.   I remember when little JonBonet Ramsey was found murdered in the basement of her Colorado home, her parents went thru a time when they were the suspects, then it was her half brother who did it.  Her mother has passed away and they still haven't found a proven murderer.
    Linda in Washington

  11. I hope they do find her safe. The likelihood of that happening is getting slimmer by the the day. Media these days to me is like feeding lambs to the wolves. They don't have proof as of yet. I do think she was careless in leaving her children unattended, but murder is a far cry from that. Time will tell.....(Hugs) Indigo

  12. I read this news story earlier today.  I thought it was interesting that the car where they found the blood stains was apparently a rental car which they rented quite a while after her disappearance.  I certainly hope that neither parent is involved in any way.

  13. No one wants to let their minds wrap around the horror of a parent hurting their children.  But too common and it's the wise reason family is looked at and interrogated first.  I thought the McCann's had been thru this already.  Yes, when you invite publicity, even in a case like this where you hope it helps your cause, there's that double-edge.  A formal suspect s quite different than a person of interest.  This should prove out in court, not the media, but that's what we cultivate in society - notoriety - and get it.  CATHY

  14. Very strange development.  I did think the parents supposed actions in leaving the children by themselves in a foreign country odd.  I wouldnot have been able to do it myself, given the fact that others had keys to the room.  But I just cannot imagine what could have transpired.  Once a child is missing it rarely ever comes home again.  Have you read Luddie's account of beng abducted and held for more than a day when she was 6?  (DARE TO THINK). Gerry
