Friday 7 September 2007

Of bees and bugs

Over the summer, it was revealed that bee colonies across the United States were afflicted by a strange disorder, in which bees would abandon their hives and foodstocks. It is called Colony Collapse Disorder. After doing research, a common denominator has been found in bees from colonies that suffered CCD - a virus, referred to as Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus.

CCD first occurred in the USA in 2004, at the same time that bees were imported from Australia, a country known to have IAPV amongst its bees. There is little that beekeepers can do about CCD or IAPV. Another contributing factor is the varroa mite, which is a parasite. The island of Lewis, where I post from, was varroa-free until someone brought a hive here that was contaminated.

You may think "what is the importance of bees". Well, let me tell you that if all the bees in the world were to die out tomorrow, mankind would die out within 6 or 7 years. Bees are pollinators of all our foodcrops, from wheat to berries. Bees are worth $14bn to the US economy alone.

Read more here.


  1. Yes, I wrote something similar to this a few weeks back pointing out that mankind would die out within seven years if bees disappeared. Such a short space of time.  Mobile phone masts are also affecting bees, they lose their sense of direction and cannot get back to the hive.

  2. Wow, this is scary as HELL!!!! My son is deathly allergic to bees.

  3. I know they provide a great service -I just don't like it when they colonize in my attic and chew holes through the ceiling and invade the hous....such a nasty problem here.They also get under the house siding and zoom in and out all day and you can't walk past them for they will attack.Then we had a huge nest under the lid of our septic tank cover and I bumbed the lid with my four-wheeler and unbeknonst to my grandsons (and me) they were  in there and came out  and attacked  them.
    poor Dakota got stung by a bee just last evening and he claims he's never going out to play again...............
    Poor fella........

  4. What a disaster allowing that person on to Lewis!
    Lets hope the scientists are researching how to protect our bees.  
    I can't imagine us all going around with a paint brush pollinating all the crops by hand.   We do that sometimes with our tomatoes.


  5. I hope they figure out how to correct the situation. I heard that they were going to use radiation to try to kill the virus.
    We used to have a lot of bees around here. But, there aren't so many now. I've noticed this over the last few years.

  6. I've heard that said before and I know those connected with bees are concerned.  Isn't it amazing that even the bees are threatened by deadly viruses?  What chance do we have?   Linda in WA

  7. Perhaps over time they can discover a way to make these bees immune to the viruses. Until that time however, all we can do is hope for the better. (Hugs) Indigo

  8. I have read articles in the past few years on the subject of the declining bee population in the U.S.  It is a serious thing.

  9. I wasnt aware of this bee virus, it could be the clarion call of a pandemic.  Reminds me of the recent anthrax spread (dermal, not inhalable type) when once again someone from an island nation, exposed daily to animal hide which their musical instruments use, brought it to this country; it was disclosed honestly, with accurate facts, all panic contained.  A spreading virus among even one species of bee could reek true havoc on all eco-systems.  Thanks for the information. CATHY      

  10. As a vegan honey is very important to me now, and I have been wondering just how extensive this is going to affect the supplies.  Let alone what it would do to pollination everywhere. Always somepn to worry about.  Gerry

  11. Thanks, Guido!!  Interesting read, I had NO idea!!  Scary!!

