Sunday 2 September 2007

Did I read that correctly?

Did you know that...
  1. 70% of visitors to Aruba is from the United States?
  2. Aruba lies outside of the hurricane belt?
  3. the average daytime temperature in Aruba is 82 degrees fahrenheit?
The above is taken from website

Now have a look at this blog post, particularly the top image. So, Aruba is not affected by hurricanes, is it? Methinks it is. They had a lucky escape.

By the way, I have no way of letting them know they disseminate inaccurate information. They don't allow comments on the blog, on the website or on their Flickr site. Poor, very poor.

Addition: I did find a tiny "Contact us" link somewhere, so I left a constructive critique for them to mull over.


  1. Aruba, Jamaica, ooo, I wanna take ya, to Burmuda, Bahamas, come on pretty mama...

  2. Ditto on the song...I was singing it too.   Linda in Washington

  3. I know someone who vacations there every year, has for years, swears it has NEVER rained a drop while he is there....~Mary
