Monday 3 September 2007

Monday notes

Nice sunny morning here, if a little cool - we're just scraping into double digits this morning. The gas tanker, Sigas Laura, which was lying at anchor all of Sunday, has finally come into port. Apparently, LPG tankers need a pilot to come in. The fuel tanker Border Heather comes and goes all the time on her own - she carries petrol and diesel. A man died in the Point area, 6 miles west of here, early on Sunday morning, when his house caught light. The firebrigade rescued him from the property, but he was declared dead on arrival at hospital in Stornoway. His pet dog also succumbed to the smoke and flames. And Isles FM gave us the usual Monday morning rogues' gallery, adding that moves are afoot to deal with offenses like being drunk-and-disorderly in a public place, by means of a fixed penalty of £40 a go. Not paying within 28 days will add another £20 plus court proceedings.

The nationalist administration in Edinburgh has decided that it is running a government, not an executive - the name previously given to the devolved parliament and administration. Now, Holyrood does not decide its own foreign, defence or tax policy, so not much of a government is it.


  1. I'm waiting (somewhat impatiently) for the cooler weather to come my way.  I do love to wear my sweaters and jeans moreso than shorts and a halter top.  :-D


  2. With all the tankers that make port in your area, I'd think the scenery would'nt be as magically breathless as it always is.  Interesting post.  CATHY
