Wednesday 12 September 2007


Yesterday, I forwarded an email to several dozen J-landers in the context of the 6th anniversary of 9/11. It generated some reactions and a storm in the email cabinet. An apology to all who felt distressed or offended in any way by either the email or the ensuing "Reply All" warfare and my mishandling of it. If I have anything to say, it'll be on the journal, and only on the rarest of occasions (Christmas, New Year, J-land chats and the like) will I send out group emails again.


  1. As the person who sent it to you, I am sorry it has caused trouble, I saw no harm in it.  I apologise if it has given you grief.   I sent it in good faith purely because of the artwork, I never even considered that anyone could or would be offended.   Sorry Guido.

  2. Eh.  My email's always open, G  ;-)


  3. It did not distress me, but I did get a strange email from someone that it did.  I just say delete if you don't want simple...take care.

  4. Guido I saw nothing wrong with the email. I even forwarded myself to a few people. I think the man who own the truck is honering the men and women who were fallen on 9/11. There is nothing wrong with that. Also is must have taken a long time to paint the truck and a lot of time. I see nothing wrong with the person who painted it to let everyone know he did it.


  5. I thought it was wonderful.  I actually got the same email from several people and each time marveled at the talent and sensitivity of the art work on the truck.   Linda in Washington state

  6. to be honest hun,some people are too sensitive,take a look at what happened to me on my blog hun,im not being insensitive about people who were offended,but hey what are they offended about? Just as a guideline,16 members of my family died during ww2,in the time that war was going on,71 million people died,im not offended if anyone posts pictures to me etc,maybe im not so judgemental zoe xx,ps keep sending to me anyway xxx

  7. I got the same email from several people, not offended here.
    Thought it was a wonderful way for someone to show their talent & their spirit. Just because there was an ad on the back, good what!
    Chin up ole boy, you can send to me anytime. If it's something I don't care to see...I know how to delete. ;)

  8. didn't do anything wrong at all. I enjoyed it. But, what I read from another J-lander stating that it was another way to make money off of the dead....I'm will disagree with his comment! Within these 6 years, no one can say that they haven't bought 1 thing that has to do with 9/11....even an American flag! Go ahead and you can send me anything you want to...I'll accept it! :o) Hugs to you my friend.

  9. Zoe sent me the truck and I thought it was a wonderfull gesture to all the people who lost their lives. Some people are as thick as S*** ain't they?

  10. I for one have never been offended by anything you sent my way. Like several others the same email was sent to me by several different people. No matter what the truck was a symbol of unity for those sharing it yesterday. (Hugs) Indigo

  11. I just read a comment about making money off the dead.  I don't think your forward was perpetuating that in any way BUT I've contributed funds to 9-11 causes, bought a commemorative T-shirt, listened to radio shows in tribute~ with paid for commercials, read blog entries about it with banner ads attached & ran medical practices that took care of some of the victims complete with  insurance payments. I've read books I have purchased from survivors & families of the dead. I live in a capitalistic society. And that is the way it is.  
    I've never been offended by anything you've sent me, including that. ~Mary

  12. You did nothing wrong and can send me anything you'd like, even forwarded.


  13. Guido...was in no way offended!  Thanks for sharing it!

  14. Guido your mail was fine.  The response did not have to go to all.  Only thing I suggest is that everyone use BCC when sending mail so email addresses are not snagged for other lists as well as the onslaught of replies to all.  Hugs my friend...

  15. I agree with the previous commentor.  P shouldn't have responded to everyone on that list.  That truck is an amazing graphic work, and I appreciate that you chose to share it with many of us.  The graphics company that did the work may have done it gratis or not; either way, I saw nothing wrong with their name and contact information being there.  A lot of people may see the truck and think, "I wonder who did that great job?"  
    Anyway!  Please continue to send me such emails in the future.
