Wednesday 12 September 2007

See for yourself

This is the 9/11 truck that all of today's fuss is about.

Have you heard about the trucker who has painted his cab and trailer with the names of all those who lost their lives in 9/11 ? The trucker's name is John Holmgren from Shafer ,Minn. He has been "pulled over" numerous times just so the troopers can get their picture taken with the truck.


  1. A touching memorial.

  2. I think it's beautiful! And what a nice tribute as well.

  3. Why fuss...I still don't understand that.  
    Take care...

  4. I think it is done beautifully.  A memorial is a memorial and so many people will get to see this and be touched by it as he travels along the roads of America.  As for the advertisement on the back, why should the firm not take credit for doing a superb job, look at the work and skill that went into it.  After all, even us journallers like to be appreciated.  I am glad you posted the pics Guido.

  5. What a wonderful way for this man to pay tribute to those who were lost on 09-11-2001.  Why would anyone be offended by it?   Linda in Washington state  

  6. Guido your intention was good... and the truck is beautiful.. a moving tribute.  Because the painters have their info on it have nothing to do with the sentiment.  Apparently others feel differently... fine.. there was no need to say anything about it.  

  7. This is beyond words.  What a tribute!  We should never forget and this way hundreds, maybe even thousands see it every day as a reminder.  I haven't heard about a fuss about it, but I'm assuming there are those who have a problem with it.  No matter, they are in the minority.  I think it's a great tribute.


  8. I do think all the photos of this truck are interesting.  My second ex-husband is still a long distance truck driver. So I relate more than most.  I am glad this trucker has found a cause to support in his many long miles on the road.  Gerry

  9. Alovely way to remember, there you are, doing your day, when you look up and see that truck, all the people that lost their lives and you remember how bloody lucky you are, to live each day as its your last and to tell everyone how much you love and apprieciatethem.Beckie x
