Sunday 9 September 2007

Sunday notes

Wet and breezy today, and not very warm at all. Tomorrow will be better.

I should clarify that I am not intending to move blogs; I have a handful of webpages which you may admire from this link. It is some static information about my activities and the Hebrides in general, with an obvious focus on Lewis.

The parents of disappeared Madeleine McCann have arrived back in the UK following their surprise elevation to status of formal suspect in their daughter's disappearance. Their return apparently went with the full knowledge and consent of the Portuguese authorities. I repeat that I hope Madeleine will be found, but the likelihood of that is at best slender.

Those reading the Water's Edge blog [private] can count on a handful of entries over the days to come.


  1. I never realized that they were suspects now... wow.

    be well,

  2. We had another mild day here.  In the mid 70's with a breeze and of course sunshine.  I am waiting on pins and needles for the next entry of Water's Edge...I can only imagine.   LOL    Linda in Washington state  
